Andy Almost Cried!

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Our property is a bit bigger than that of our Amish neighbors. They own roughly ten-acres and most of it is grassland. On our property fifteen-acres alone is wooded. Andy and Pauline’s property is basically wood-less. The property line that divides our property from theirs  houses a couple of things. (1) A tree stand for hunting deer and (2) a salt-lick to manipulate the dear onto the property. Both of these objects belong to our neighbor Andy. I’m not anti or pro hunting. I don’t hunt and neither does my husband. Andy on the other-hand is an avid hunter. And while he hunts for freeze meat rather than the sport of it, I still don’t want him shoot deer on our property! [clear]

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My dog is helping herself to the salt-lick. Those things are illegal! And it irritates me to no end that he has a salt lick. I guess English laws don’t apply to Amish. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, anywho, Andy comes-a-knocking and wants to know if he can take his daughter hunting in our woods. (My private personal thoughts while talking to him) NO, HELL NO, UMMM HELLO, NO WAY IN HELL! I want to be able to go into our woods without the worry of live amino flying over my head! And, we have a dog that might be out there looking for her own food. LOL. [clear]



Well, I thought Andy was going to cry when we told him no. It wasn’t because we’re mean, we like Andy, really we do. It’s just that we also enjoy watching the deer on our property. It’s a beautiful site. And soo…. [clear] The next weekend rolls around and here Andy comes-a-knocking again. This time he ask if he shoots a deer on his property and it runs on ours and dies if he can go on our property to retrieve it. (Me Thinking again) Umm Andy in your mind I may ONLY be English, but I didn’t fall off of the turnip truck yesterday! His tree stand points directly at our woods. It’s obvious he’s going to shoot deer in our woods and say he shot it on his property and it went in our woods and died. YUP… and that was exactly what  happened. Here comes Andy a-knocking again! “Hey, my daughter shot a deer and it went into you woods, I just wanted to let you know we’re going to go in and get it.” Sure Andy, blame on your innocent daughter.


15 thoughts on “Andy Almost Cried!

  • January 9, 2014 at 6:06 am

    I suppose it would be rude to ask him to “let you know when a deer wanders onto your land and dies so you could go and retrieve it.”

  • January 9, 2014 at 5:04 pm

    What a jerk….I dont know how you did not rip his head off. The fact he has a salt lick and your little puppy has access to it would hurt me enough but for him to be sneaky like that after would drive me NUTS!

  • January 9, 2014 at 11:32 pm

    That is so wrong. Maybe just say no from now on. Taking advantage of your good nature.

  • January 10, 2014 at 1:51 am

    It’s hard to have neigbors with different kind of world views. There are always issues to clear out and discuss.

  • February 8, 2014 at 1:40 pm

    We a hunting family so I get both sides! He is probably not the brightest bulb!

  • February 8, 2014 at 4:08 pm

    this definitely sounds too funny!! Andy seem to have a problem with his own back yard ,if he has one LOLL I love that you keep your cook through this process and even though Andy blamed it on the girl You can just take heart to knowing that you are help feeding his family ๐Ÿ™‚ wink wink thanks for share @tisonlyme143

  • February 8, 2014 at 8:04 pm

    Living in the country with neighbors that manipulate situations is difficult. Until last year, we lived on a farm that was a bit over 100 acres. We allowed a few relatives to hunt. It got to the point that we couldn’t grow a garden because the deer would eat it. They even walked into the yard and ate my roses.

    I don’t believe in hunting for sport, but there are areas where the deer population needs to be thinned a bit.

  • February 9, 2014 at 2:44 pm

    I will be nice & not say what I think about your neighbor’s dishonest tactics but I may have a “green” solution for him hunting on your property & that old salt lick….pee on it! lol Or rather, get the hubby to do it. Have him go on the trees along the shared property line; heck, have him pee on the salt lick. It will work just like any other animal marking it’s territory. The deer will stay away from that area after a bit. Problem solved! I guess you could always get your own salt lick & set it up somewhere out of the neighbors range of fire too. From one Hoosier (Richmond) to another, best of luck!

  • February 10, 2014 at 5:08 am

    Wow! I cannot believe Andy did that. My husband is a hunter, and I don’t have a problem with responsible hunters. However, when he was told no…he should have respected your answer! I don’t blame you for wanting to watch those beautiful deer on your property. Once you spook them, they probably won’t be back! God bless.

  • February 10, 2014 at 6:44 am

    Hmmmm, well, hmmmmm. You really cant prove he shot it on your property but He cant prove he didnt. Honestly, at least he is communicating with you, please do give him credit for that. I am not well informed on how they believe really, I do know some people here in OKL that are amish, but I dont know alot about thier beliefs. I know I dont believe what they do lol. Ya know, I think, hmmmmm I dont know what to think here. Put up no trespassing signs and just be very nice toned, attitude ect, when speaking with him and maybe discuss this with him and explain that you really dont him shooting the deer that are coming off of your property because you enjoy thier being around. I didnt know salt was illegal??? Thats a new one for me. seriously, I am gonna pray for ya and this matter. Maybe hunting season will be over quickly and you wont have to deal with it till next year. Gives plenty of time to figure out what to do next year.

  • February 10, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    I’d absolutely say no. And stick to it! We have woods on our property, too. NO ONE is allowed to hunt there at all!

  • February 16, 2014 at 9:31 am

    You would think that they would have a better way of doing things. I thought Amish was suppose to be honest.? I guess I’m just naive I guess I just wish for a simpler time.

  • February 17, 2014 at 6:51 am

    You are nicer then me I would have told him where to go, how to get there and had he asked again would have showed him how too!!


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